Inner Alchemy

Heal, Detach & Create Your NEW Dream Reality✨

Hello, sweet Beautiful Soul. 💖

My name is Miriam, and I haven't truly lived my own life for many years since I believed I was here to make other people happy and that I am here to serve others.

I used to feel so unworthy, stupid, and ugly that I found it easier to focus on the needs of others than on my own.

As a result of sacrificing and going against myself, I developed auto-immune disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and burnout.

I've done it in every aspect of my life - partnership, all of my relationships, work, career selection, and finances mirrored my lack of self-esteem and self-worth.

Inside, I was ashamed to be ME, and I secretly hate myself.

I just didn't want to be myself and live my life.

It took me many years to change my life around, and believe me, it felt strange, selfish, and uncomfortable most of the time, but I didn't give up.

Today, 💖I am here to assist you with your healing journey if you are suffering from PTSD, a breakup, divorce, a midlife crisis, chronic illness, fatigue, or auto-immunity.

💖I am here to assist you if you are suffering from childhood trauma or abuse.

💖I'm here to assist you not only heal, but also create a NEW, desired dream reality by shifting your consciousness and DETACHING from old stories, identities, and conditioning.

💖I am here to assist you with self-love, self-care, and refocusing on YOU, aligning with your TRUE SELF, feeling FREE, HAPPY, LOVED, Valued, Worthy, Successful, and Abundant.

Thank you for being here with me, for your time, and I hope to see you soon!

MirIAM - Activator, Healer, & Empowering Coach

1:1 Sessions ✨❤✨

Radical Self-Love Healing & Creating New Reality from Quantum Heart Portal

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1:1 30-Minute Session: BREAK FREE + 10-Day Plan
store product block Inner Alchemy: 1:1 60-Minute Session + 10-Day Plan  poster
Inner Alchemy: 1:1 60-Minute Session + 10-Day Plan
store product block Inner Alchemy: 1:1 90-Minute Session + 7 Days of Coaching  poster
Inner Alchemy: 1:1 90-Minute Session + 7 Days of Coaching
store product block 1:1 4-Week Healing & Coaching Package poster
1:1 4-Week Healing & Coaching Package
store product block  7 Days of Coaching via WhatsApp to Help You Detach & Manifest What You Desire 💖 poster
7 Days of Coaching via WhatsApp to Help You Detach & Manifest What You Desire 💖

1:1 Sessions ✨❤✨

Radical Self-Love Healing & Creating New Reality from Quantum Heart Portal

store product block 1:1 30-Minute Session: BREAK FREE + 10-Day Plan  poster
1:1 30-Minute Session: BREAK FREE + 10-Day Plan
store product block Inner Alchemy: 1:1 60-Minute Session + 10-Day Plan  poster
Inner Alchemy: 1:1 60-Minute Session + 10-Day Plan
store product block Inner Alchemy: 1:1 90-Minute Session + 7 Days of Coaching  poster
Inner Alchemy: 1:1 90-Minute Session + 7 Days of Coaching
store product block 1:1 4-Week Healing & Coaching Package poster
1:1 4-Week Healing & Coaching Package
store product block  7 Days of Coaching via WhatsApp to Help You Detach & Manifest What You Desire 💖 poster
7 Days of Coaching via WhatsApp to Help You Detach & Manifest What You Desire 💖

"What was happening cannot be expressed in words, it is a mystical experience for me. I allowed myself to connect with myself in Your presence and let go of everything that does not serve me, my heart opened. You provided me with a safe field in which it happened so quickly that I just can't get over it. there's so much happening because so much has been cleared and so the reality is changing quickly."

- Terezka.

"I feel like a million dollars. My energy is very different than it's ever been. There is a purity and authenticity to who I am, all my interactions, and peace within me. Miriam's helped me a lot in only two sessions...The work we have done has gone deep into myself and has not been easy. I've had to do some deep work inside me but because of this, I've come out the other side absolutely transformed. Miriam will help you help yourself to a vastly better, fuller life. A life of abundance."

- Hiten.

"Dearest Miriam. Today I finished the Recode Program. I have definitely shifted. I am Happy every day for no reason at all. I feel Love for my Wife and Life in General. I am training for a new Job. No more judgements on anything and anyone. These are just a few examples and I am sure there will be more which I do know about. Ahh I am becoming a Psychic as well. Lots of Love."

- Karim.

"I only had 1 session. There was a ton of laughter as well as lots of crying. Miriam helped me in a way I didn't even know was possible. She took me on a journey with MYSELF. We went through my whole life, traumas, accidents, and most of all my beliefs. When we finished I couldn't believe myself. The only way I can describe it would be "REBORN AGAIN". I could see myself in a totally different way. I was laughing so hard I almost choked. Miriam helped me to see who I truly am. Amazing Janko! :) Since then my life has turned around in the most beautiful way."

- Jan.

Self Love Subconscious Recode & Detachment Process ALL IN ONE

Shift into Your Own Flow of Happiness, Freedom, Joy, Love & Abundance

store product block Heal & Detach from Suffering& Pain and SHIFT Into Your JOY, LOVE & ABUNDANCE FLOW ✨ poster
Heal & Detach from Suffering& Pain and SHIFT Into Your JOY, LOVE & ABUNDANCE FLOW ✨

Self Love Subconscious Recode & Detachment Process ALL IN ONE

Shift into Your Own Flow of Happiness, Freedom, Joy, Love & Abundance

store product block Heal & Detach from Suffering& Pain and SHIFT Into Your JOY, LOVE & ABUNDANCE FLOW ✨ poster
Heal & Detach from Suffering& Pain and SHIFT Into Your JOY, LOVE & ABUNDANCE FLOW ✨

"Miriam works individually. She hears your Soul's voice, which you may not yet be able to recognise. She finds hidden gems within you. This allows you to perceive and experience your own value and worth. From this moment forward, you see yourself radically differently. You understand the VALUE of your work, personality, heart, and soul as a whole. She tailors therapy-treatment to your unique need; it is UNIQUE. She will show you TREASURES that you haven't seen, noticed, or understood in years. She enhances your sense of self-worth, leading to increased abundance."

- Pavla.

"Miriam is a wonderful being, she is patient and kind and so knowledgeable. She has helped me already in just two sessions. I have already learnt some techniques that have become invaluable to my practice and have allowed me to begin to heal in ways I did not think were possible. I felt lost before meeting Miriam, I am now full of hope and joy for my future. I can't wait to continue to work with Miriam, I love our sessions and am beginning to love my life also!"

- Lindsay.

"Thank you Miriam for the long term help. Words cannot express how grateful I am to her for my personal shift, overcoming life's challenges and processing my blocks and traumas.

The last session was particularly strong for me and there was a great release and restart as I was consumed by strong emotions.

Miriam has an incredible gift of LOVE and whenever I am around her, I feel that I am fully accepted as I am. She can hold an amazing field of support and I feel unconditional love and strength at the same time as she guides me.

At the same time, Miriam has the ability to see "behind the scenes," which means she can quickly sense a person and see the root causes of his problems and topics that need to be addressed, resulting in rapid healing, releasing, and processing of the given topic.

Your presence in my life has helped me immensely❤. Miri, thank you!"

- Terka.

"I had my first therapy & hypnotherapy session with Miriam and it was a lot that I unravelled & my emotions were all over the place the next 2 days after as it was a lot.

I took my time to journal & take on Miriam's advice to help me through this.

3 weeks later I had my second session & I felt so good! Even Miriam said the change in me was crazy & she was really proud!

This made me feel so good about myself & be proud of all the changes - for the better!

So much changed in my life in them 3 weeks, but for the better for sure.

I definitely feel a lot more positive now & found my purpose, I have started doing yoga weekly again & tried pilates on Saturday for the first time ever!

I am loving my journey & it's the best thing I've ever done and I'm so glad I've done it at 22!!

Thank you so much xx"

- Jade.

Manifest Anything With Detachment Process

Time Limited Offer

store product block Manifest Anything with DETACHMENT Process  poster
Manifest Anything with DETACHMENT Process
Time Limited Offer

Manifest Anything With Detachment Process

Time Limited Offer

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Manifest Anything with DETACHMENT Process
Time Limited Offer
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